Samenstelling van een neuropsychologische testbatterij voor onderzoek naar de rijgeschiktheid van ouderen met cognitieve functiestoornissen : verantwoording van de keuze voor de onderdelen van de testbatterij.

Doumen, M.J.A. & Davidse, R.J.

Composition of a neuropsychological test battery for the study of the fitness to drive of elderly people with cognitive function impairments; Justification of the choices made for the different parts of the test battery. The goal of the study ‘Fitness to drive with cognitive impairments’ (FitCI) is tofind a reliable, valid, and rehabilitation-oriented Dutch method for the assessment of the fitness to drive of drivers in general and drivers with cognitive function disorders more in particular. This method must meet the requirements of the Dutch Committee on Tests and Testing (COTAN) of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (NIP). To this end a neuropsychological test battery is composed which, together with an anamnesis and heteroanamnesis and a series of drives in a driving simulator, is considered to make a reliable and valid assessment of the fitness to drive of people with cognitive function impairments. This report describes the choices that were made for the composition of the neuropsychological test battery. In the next phase of the FiTCI project, the validity and the reliability of the method — the neuropsychological test battery, (hetero)anamnesis and simulator drives combined — will be tested by comparing the method’s assessments of fitness to drive with the judgements that are made based on the driving test 'practical ability’ which is held by the Dutch Driving Test Organisation (CBR).


Library number
C 50706 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 40 p., 52 ref.; D-2012-03

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