Samenwerking bij het aanleggen van 60km/uur-gebieden : verslag van vier casussen.

Bax, C.A. Litjens, B.P.E.A. Jagtman, H.M. & Pröpper, I.M.A.M.

This study looked at the cooperation between municipalities and other parties involved in the realization of 60 km/h zones. There are various reasons why it is advisable for a municipality to cooperate with, for instance, other road authorities and road users like citizens, companies, emergency services, public transport companies et cetera. This study looked at the effects of cooperation on road safety. The study used the following research question: To what extent has the way in which cooperation between the parties involved was organized contributed to the effectiveness of policy in the first phase of Sustainable Safety (specifically the realization of 60 km/h zones) and what prescriptive message for the second phase of Sustainable Safety can be given on the basis of these findings? Cooperation has been defined as joining forces which are aimed at a common target. Effective policy has been detailed in a number of concrete demands for the 60 km/h roads which are described below.


Library number
C 40839 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E208789

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2007, 80 p., 24 ref.; R-2006-23

SWOV publication

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