Senior Mobility Toolkit : final report.

Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates

This Senior Mobility Toolkit is an outgrowth of the Older Adults Transportation Study (OATS) completed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in December 2002. OATS identified ways to help maintain and improve the mobility of older adults in the San Francisco Bay Area. The OATS report included a Regional Mobility Strategy with numerous actions to benefit senior mobility. While some of these actions could be carried out by MTC, many of them required action by transit agencies, cities, counties, community organisations, advocacy organisations, and state and federal agencies. In order to support and advance efforts by these other entities, OATS recommended that MTC should publish a toolkit with information about successful efforts to promote senior mobility with examples from the Bay Area and elsewhere. The toolkit would focus on efforts that can be implemented by local agencies and organisations in the Bay Area. The examples provided in the toolkit are intended to provide ideas that local agencies can adapt to local circumstances, and information that advocacy organisations and local elected officials can use to promote new initiatives. In order to help with this process, contacts are provided for as many of the examples as possible. Numerous links to resources on the world wide web are also provided. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20031790 ST [electronic version only]

Oakland, CA, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 2003, 56 p.

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.