Setting up an ISA trial from a traffic safety perspective methodology research in The Netherlands.

Kievit, E. de & Hanneman, F.

ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) represents an example of transport technology which through external speed regulation is intended to have a positive influence on the risk of injury and the seriousness of injury. ISA has previously been studied in the Netherlands. In 1999 and 2000 a practical trial was held in which 20 vehicles were fitted with a mandatory speed-limiting version of ISA. The primary goal of this practical study was to examine whether ISA is a realistic option as an instrument for speed control, both from a technical-operational and from a social point of view. A major evaluation objective was to measure public acceptance of this type of ISA application, both with test drivers and with the general public. In the first trial the emphasis was on technical aspects and public acceptance. Good results were obtained in both areas. The question now is whether and how developments in the area of ISA should continue. The main reason for introducing ISA is the safety benefit which can be achieved. To be able to test this, a large scale trial is being considered. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123876.

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Library number
C 33827 (In: C 33811) [electronic version only] /72 /91 / ITRD E123892

In: Proceedings of the ICTCT Workshop on Intelligent Speed Adaptation held Nagoya, Japan, May 2002, p. 163-170, 4 ref.

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