Short-term and area-wide evaluation of safety measures.

Oppe, S. & Wegman, F.C.M.

A background paper for the seminar on short-term and area-wide evaluation of safety measures is presented. The seminar is restricted to safety measures, thus only countermeasures that are intended to reduce accidents are regarded. The measures should be furthermore for the short-term and area-wide. As an example the conflict-analysis technique is given as one method of investigation.


Library number
B 22248 [electronic version only] /83/ IRRD 264968

Leidschendam, Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV, 1982, 14 p., graph., ref.; R-82-14 / Background paper in: Seminar on Short-term and Area-wide Evaluation of Safety Measures, Amsterdam, April 19-21, 1982; p. A-F.

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