Sicherung von Schulwegen. Im Auftrage der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesminister für Verkehr.

Universität Bonn, Instituts für Städtebau, Siedlungswesen und Kulturtechnik

Proposals for making the child's route to school safe, extending over a wide range of measures, are developed. These included questionnaires for parents and observations of children in traffic and at junctions, accident reports, the analysis of accidents occurring on the way to school, comparison of the school surroundings with the urban structure and its traffic conditions. A statistical analysis was undertaken. From the results proposals have emerged for traffic regulations, for the location of school districts, for traffic education and the cooperation of parents. It is intended to produce a report containing proposals for the design of safer routes to schools.

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Library number
C 9868 /83 /85 / IRRD 306252

Bonn, Bundesminister für Verkehr, 1975, 139 + 14 p., 112 ref.

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