Signalling the way to safety.

Brima Combe, M.

A new traffic signs manual is due for publication in the summer of 1989; this article, based on a paper by Neville Rees of the department of transport and presented at the 1989 Traffex conference in Brighton, reviews the main changes under consideration by the department after receiving responses to its consultation document of 1988. These are: a) format of regulatory signs to be more user friendly; b) direction signs to be colour coded; c) buses and light rapid transit: various sign changes; d) pedal cyclists: cycle symbols to be incorporated into amber and green traffic lights, and other new signs; e) car park signing to be colour coded; f) new pedestrian zone signs to be introduced; g) railway level crossings: improvements in conspicuity of backing boards used with `wig-wag' signals and simplicity of signing; and h) roadworks and chapter 8: roadworks to be designated types a, b or c, according to duration of work, visibility, conditions and traffic flow. Over 40 roadwork layout illustrations will be included. It is hoped that the proposed changes in signing will help reduce Britain's road accidents by about 10%.

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C 10323 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 822797

Surveyor, Vol. 171 (1989), No. 5040 (13 April), p. 16-17

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