SilVia - Sustainable road surfaces for traffic noise control.

Descornet, G.

The overall aim of the project was to provide decision-makers with a tool allowing them to rationally plan traffic noise control measures including low-noise road surfaces. That tool, actually the final output from the project, is a Guidance Manual for the Implementation of Low-Noise Road Surfaces. It is a compilation of the key research and findings from the entire component Work Packages within the project. The Manual is split into 6 parts. Part 1 summarises the basics about noise in general and vehicle noise and tyre/road noise, in particular, in order to provide the reader with the necessary background to the topic. Part 2 presents an overview of the different low-noise solutions for pavements, including well-established surface types and technologies which are relatively new or under development, some of which have been tested within the SilVia project. It also reviews construction and maintenance techniques used for low-noise surfaces and addresses the possibilities of improving the acoustic performance and durability of low-noise road surfaces. Part 3 first summarises the different measurement methods that are available for the evaluation of the acoustic performance of a road surface, particularly for labelling and conformity-of-production (COP) assessment. The essential chapter in Part 3 is a presentation of the Noise classification procedure that has been developed to provide the most accurate and reproducible characterization of the acoustic performance of a specific pavement and could be used in specification and procurement. Part 4 deals with the economic aspects related to the use of low-noise road surfaces. This includes consideration of both safety and sustainability issues. A cost/benefit analysis tool developed as part of this project is also presented. Part 5 considers the interactions that can affect the effectiveness - positively or negatively - of low-noise surfaces. Part 6 presents advice and recommendations derived from the study on how to make the best use of the low-noise solutions for road pavements. They address the decision makers, the road authorities, the contractors and road engineers as well as the policy makers at national and at European level. In addition, a CD-ROM is attached to the Guidance Manual. It includes all main outputs (Deliverables) of SilVia as well as the intermediate technical reports produced by the different Work Packages, plus some other related documents. This is for the reader who is interested in technical details and in the research results underlying the development of the different chapters of the Guidance Manual (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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Library number
C 47546 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /15 / ITRD E216783

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 6 p., 6 ref.

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