Simulationsmodelle zur Bewertung des Verkehrsablaufs an Knotenpunkten, auf Strassenzügen und in Strassennetzen mit Lichtsignalanlagen.

Hoffmann, G.

The method for working out a simulation model by computer for traffic light signalization is described. Starting with a model for a single intersection (based on a signal time plan) a detailed model is developed, together with its testing and its effect on a fixed time traffic light installation. The method of extending the model to that for a street with a number of traffic lights, and for a road network is described subsequently.

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Library number
A 9524 (In: A 9515)

In: Verkehrsabhängige Lichtsignalsteuerung durch Einsatz von Prozessrechnern, 1970, p. 10-0-10-34

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