Skills of novices early trained or traditionaly trained versus experienced drivers confronted to simulated urban accidents’ scenarios. Paper presented at IEA 2012, 18th World congress on Ergonomics

designing a sustainable future, held in Recife, Brazil, February 12-16, 2012.
Berthelon, C. & Damm, L.

In order to prevent the over-representation of young drivers in car crashes, France instated an early driver training from the age of 16, but the positive effects of this opportunity have not yet been proven. Three groups of male drivers (12 subjects each) were confronted with some prototypical accident scenarios introduced in a simulated urban circuit. The first and second groups were composed of young drivers having less than one month of driving licence; twelve have had a traditional learning course, and twelve had followed, in addition to the initial course, an early driver training under the supervision of an adult. The third group was composed of experienced drivers. Strategies of the three groups were analysed through their response time, speed and manoeuvres. No difference appeared across groups regarding obstacle detection. But traditionally-trained drivers’ position control was more conservative than the two others groups, which were more likely to involve efficient evasive action. The exposure gained during early training could thus increase the development of visuo-motor coordination and involve better skills in case of difficult situations. Others accidents’ scenarios could be used to confront young drivers with difficult situations not commonly encountered in natural driving. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20120344 ST [electronic version only]

Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Vol. 41 (2012), Supplement 1 'Proceedings of IEA 2012, 18th World congress on Ergonomics : designing a sustainable future, held in Recife, Brazil, February 12-16, 2012', p. 4907-4909, 8 ref.

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