A smart, remediating road construction using sludge.

Molendijk, W. & Aantjes, H.

In 2004 the Dutch Ministry of Public works initiated an innovation program including a call for concepts to use the space occupied by a road multifunctional in such away that in the mean time the need for maintenance reduces and a cleaner environment is obtained. Ideas were tested on technical basis and economic feasibility. Although apparently impossible these requirements were met with the concept the SludgeMattress which won the prize contest and was invited to realize a full scale pilot. The SludgeMattress is a durable, light weight road construction, based on dredged sludge as the elementary component. It is constructed using conventional equipment, working methods and routines while common biochemical principles remediate contaminants in the sludge based construction material and run-off water during the life time of the road. This paper describes the construction and properties of the innovative concept The SludgeMattress (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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C 47521 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /33 / ITRD E216755

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 6 p., 13 ref.

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