Some aspects of the observation and recording of the visual impressions an aesthetic response of drivers to a changing road alignment.

Brummelaar, T. ten & B. Shackel.

The relations between road user and road environment, and the effect of motion on the observations by the driver have been examined. The impact of visual clues ought to be regarded already in the design stage of the road. A method has been worked out to give a space motion diagram, to record the traveller's response as he drives. The diagram is read upwards along a vertical time scale, curves, grades, landmarks and road environment are given diagrammatically. A visual sequence diagram also be used. An experiment with a movie camera mounted beside trave gave inferior results. Recommended is the design of the space motion diagram while being a passenger, travelling several times at low speed a certain road stretch .It is suggested that a binetic method of notation should be developed for motorway design. Cooperation between engineers and psychologists is needed for further investigation.

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Library number
A 9385 (In: A 9354 S [electronic version only]) IRRD 51965

In: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), Melbourne, 1968, Volume 4, Part 1, p. 671-80; Paper no. 405

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