Some methodological deficiencies in studies on traffic accident predictors.

Wåhlberg, A.E. af

The paper discusses some methodological problems in (psychological) research on traffic accident predictors and reviews a convenience sample of the literature. Three methodological aspects are identified as being important: reliability of accident predictors, time period for accidents used as dependent variable, and culpability for accidents. Papers are scrutinized and most are found to be wanting in these aspects. Traffic researchers do not adhere to, or hardly even discuss, these basic methodological problems. It is concluded that the current research into (psychological) accident predictors is fraught with methodological deficiencies. Why most studies seem to be deficient in these aspects is not clear, as several researchers have pointed out these problems. (Author/publisher).


Library number
I E118203 /83 / ITRD E118203

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2003 /07. 35(4) Pp473-86

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