Spain - National Report Strategic Direction Session ST1: Road quality service levels and innovations to meet user expectations.

Vicente, A.S. Rubio, R.L. Izquierdo, L.S. Irujo, S. & Echaniz, M.C.

This national report covers the most significant experiments and innovations recently carried out in Spain n the field of road technology related to the subjects included under New approaches to maintaining serviceability in adverse weather conditions (winter serviceability) The quality of service provided by the road maintenance teams is gauged by the degree to which a previously established winter serviceability operational plan is implemented as a function of the means employed, section characteristics and predictable situations. The content of these operational plans and the work and coordination protocols amongst the different Authorities involved are also described. These and other improvements made in the management of winter serviceability (installation of anti-avalanche instruments, weather stations, de-icer sprinklers and GPS devices, etc.) have allowed the procedures and efficiency of the measures involved to be optimised. Technological innovations incorporated into tunnel design and facilities to increase their quality of operation and improve the safety conditions for driving through them. The report details the recommendations recently made in respect of the minimum facilities required that should be made available in existing tunnels as a function of their features (length, one-way or two-way traffic, urban or interurban location and traffic density involved), operating manuals (content, standard attendance records, etc.) and coordination protocols, in addition to the hand-out to tunnel users of explanatory leaflets on the behaviour to adopt in the face of risk situations. The report includes examples where these improvements have been implemented both in tunnels under operation and still being built, and which are well in excess of minimum standards (the 8.6-km long Somport Tunnel and Piedrafita Tunnel). Latest experiments on outsourcing of road maintenance through contracts based on indicators of the road condition and quality of service provided and evaluation of the degree of compliance achieved with a set of defined standards. Two pilot schemes are described which started in 2002 and consist of indicator-based maintenance contracts. The first scheme is for a shadow toll motorway concession (where Public Administration pays the concessionaire a set rate for the traffic using the motorway), in which a system of incentives and sanctions has been set up depending on the values achieved in certain service indicators (accident rate and impaired capacity owing to lane closures). The second scheme involves contracts for road sections in which varying pre-set amounts are paid for each of the indicators established, in respect of both road condition and service level, with a view to a number of thresholds being achieved and maintained. Sanctions and repair deadlines are imposed if these levels are not met. For the covering abstract see ITRD E135448.

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Library number
C 42944 (In: C 42760 CD-ROM) /21 / ITRD E138646

In: CD-DURBAN : proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Durban, South Africa, 19 to 25 October 2003

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