Special initiatives and technology packages incorporating Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) technology in Ontario.

Bacchus, A. Al-Aswad, N. Henderson, P. & Perchanok, M.

This paper was presented at the `Transportation Technology Innovations' session. Since the late eighties when SHRP research was initiated, many jurisdictions across North America installed one or more Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) sites. The primary use has been in participation in SHRP and C-SHRP long term pavement performance research. But in other cases WIM has been bundled with other data and decision-making procedures into innovative technology packages. This paper reports on four such innovative packages within Ontario in which the Reseach and Development Branch of the Ministry of Trnasportation contributes its distinctive expertise in monitoring and quality control of WIM. A second theme underlying the special initiatives and technology packages is that of partnerships, in which each partner advances her goals further than she would have been able to do without the partnership. In these partnerships, the Research and Development Branch contributes its range of competencies, in site selection, hardware and software maintenance and control and statistical process control; other branches contribute their competencies, and co-development of the particular technology package improves quality and delivery time. (A)

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Library number
C 12517 (In: C 12494 CD-ROM) /15 /72 / IRRD 872835

In: Cost-effectiveness through innovation : proceedings of the 1996 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference on CD-ROM, Charlottetown, October 6 to 9, 1996, p. -

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