Specification and design of InDETER-1

a prototype driving behaviour assessment system. Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe DRIVE II Project V2009 Detection, Enforcement & Tutoring for Error Reduction DETER, Deliverable 10 (321B), Workpackages 3210, 3400 and 4300.
Saaman, E.H. Politiek, P.P. & Brookhuis, K.A.

InDETER-1 is a prototype in-vehicle assessment system for detecting traffic law violations and sending auditory or visual tutoring messages to the driver. InDETER-1 was developed to get insight in the specification and design of a driving assessment system and for investigating the effects of tutoring on driver behaviour. It is a real time system which could be used in a driving simulator; information about the state of the car and its environment was simulated by supplying the formal specification by the simulator. During the development of the system a formal specification language has been used as a tool for analyzing the system's requirements. An account is given of the analysis (in natural language). This included the detailed definitions that were used for detecting violations, specification of the tutoring system and a global description of the implementation of InDETER-1. Future (prototype) assessment systems will be based on this. It is concluded that a mathematical exact interpretation of traffic legislation is not always that obvious, more research has to be done if a wider range of violations is to be detected.

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Library number
951416 ST [electronic version only]

Haren, University of Groningen RUG, Traffic Research Centre TRC VSC / Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, R&D Programme Telematics Systems in the Area of Transport (DRIVE II), 1994, 24 p., 11 ref. - ISBN 90-6807-288-9

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