Speed cameras linked to slower driving.

Gloag, D.

This short note reviews evidence that speed cameras are effective in reducing both red light violations and driving speed. Data provided by the Department of Transport indicate that, in West London, there has been a 41% fall in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents since the installation of speed cameras. In those places in London with cameras to detect violations of red lights, accidents have been reduced by 58%. Data are also provided to show that the installation of road side cameras would be very cost effective. Brief details are provided of more sophisticated systems for detecting road traffic violations. These include a Norwegian system which warns drivers when they are breaking the speed limit, and which register the violation only if speeding persists. In-vehicle systems, which monitor driving behaviour constantly, and integrated systems, which provide interaction between the vehicle and the environment are also discussed briefly.

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British Medical Journal, Vol. 308 (1994), No. 6935 (16 April), p. 999

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