Stability of gravel sub-bases.

Earland, M.G. & Pike, D.C.

As part of an investigation into the stability of unbound granular sub-bases a series of trafficking trials has been carried out with loaded lorries on several types of crushed rock and gravel sub-bases. The results of these trafficking trials are correlated with shear strengths measured in a 300 mm shear-box machine modified to test wet aggregates with plastic fines. Precision estimates of this test method are given. It was found that many gravel sub-bases can perform as well as crushed rock type 1 sub-bases. The shear-box test, however, was only able to distinguish between the least and most stable; for most sub-base materials a trafficking trial would be needed to verify their stability. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 40251 [electronic version only] /22 /36 / IRRD 801096

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1986, 17 p., 15 ref.; TRRL Research Report ; RR 64 - ISSN 0266-5247

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