Standaardisatie van ongevalsbegrippen.

Nationale Raad voor de Volksgezondheid NRV, Vaste Commissie voor Classificatie en Definities

The objective of this study was to determine the desirability and feasibility of a system of standardised classifications and definitions of concepts regarding accidents. The project started with a study of the literature into the concepts, terms, definitions and classifications momentarily used in surveillance systems on accidents. The results are described in a separate report, entitled `Ongevalsbegrippen : termen, definities en classificaties' (Hoyinck & Mulder, 1993) (see ST 950918). Next, the need for standardisation was examined by interviewing representatives of organisations which either manage surveillance systems or use information collected on accidents. Not only the need for standarisation in general but also the respondents' specific whishes concerning certain variables were examined.

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950905 ST

Zoetermeer, Nationale Raad voor de Volksgezondheid NRV, Vaste Commissie voor Classificatie en Definities, 1995, 96 p., 16 ref.; Publikatienummer ; No. 196

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