State of the art in monitoring road condition and road/vehicle interaction.

PIARC Technical Committee 4.2 Road/Vehicle Interaction

This report summarises the current state of the art regarding the collection of road condition and road/vehicle interaction data, providing an overview of current practice and emerging technologies. Technologies in the development and experimental stages are generally not discussed. The document is intended to concisely inform the reader of the range of technologies available, and not to replicate the considerable detail that is available elsewhere for specific technologies. Each of the commonly measured road condition and road/vehicle interaction data parameters is discussed, providing a definition of each of these parameters, a description of the common measurement methods and a description of the condition/interaction indicators that are derived from the measured data. The need for robust quality management in the collection of road condition data is highlighted, and guidance provided. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20170116 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, World Road Association PIARC, 2016, 77 p., 42 ref.; 2016R17EN - ISBN 978-2-84060-402-0

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.