State of the art rapport "verkeersstroommodellen". Deel I: Inleiding.

Botma, H.

In the first part a description is given of the research project "traffic flow models" of the Dutch road safety research institute SWOV in the form of a schematic performance of the traffic process. Thereafter the aim and motivation of the project is discussed in relation to the other basic research projects of the institute. Initially a literature study was made. The limitations and the classification of the literature review are indicated. For abstracts of parts 2, 3 and 4 see IRRD abstracts nos 240607-240609.


Library number
B 14481 [electronic version only] /71 / IRRD 240606

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1977, 14 p., tab., ref.; R-77-39

SWOV publication

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