A state's concerns with the FHWA's highway performance monitoring system roughness requirements.

Rogers, R.B. Wyatt, J.M. & Bertrand, C.B.

When the FHWA issued requirements for the collection of roughness data for the Highway Performance Monitoring System in December 1987, it was well received in Texas. The benefits of a national pavement roughness standard and the concerns that evolved from a study conducted by the Centre for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin to ensure compliance with the new FHWA pavement roughness requirements, and from the experience gained from collection of pavement roughness data on a state-wide basis since 1983 are discussed. Measures for alleviating the issues presented are recommended.

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Library number
C 25907 (In: C 25905 S) /23 / IRRD 851958

In: Pavement management : data collection, analysis, and storage 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1311, p. 7-8, 2 ref.

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