Statistical yearbook transports, communications, tourism : 1981.

Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Communities

This yearbook is the 18th in the "transport statistics" series. The tables are quadrinlingual (german, french, english and italian). the preface, contents, definitions and explanations are in danish, german, greek, english, french, italian, dutch. The statistics refer to the year 1981. The statistics have been supplied principally by the national statistical institutes, the responsible ministries in the member states and by specialised international organisations. They cover: railways, roads, inland waterways, merchant shipping, aviation, pipelines, post and telecommunications, tourism.

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Library number
B 21340 STA /72 / IRRD 272639

Luxembourg, Eurostat Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1983, 196 p.; Cat. No. CA-37-83-231-7C-C - ISBN 92-825-3816-8

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