Statistiques des défectuosités en Belgique en 1962.

Horion, A.

This article concerns a statistical study of defects discovered in the course of technical inspection of motor vehicles. The number of inspections on which this study is based includes utilitarian vehicles, including buses and coaches (322.462 inspections) and motor-cars (424.723 inspections). For these statistics, defects mentioned on the inspection certificate have been gathered into five groups: steering, wheels and chassis, lights, brakes, and miscellaneous. Only important defects (making a new inspection necessary) have been considered. It is the condition of the vehicle as shown at the first inspection which has been taken into account. (A)

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981611 e ST (In : ST 981611)

In: Inspection technique, 1963, Aspects techniques de la sécurité routière, numero spécial Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. No. 15, 26 p.

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