Stellungnahme zur Frage der Versuchsweisen anhebung der Höchstgeschwindigkeit für Kraftomnibusse auf Autobahnen von 80 auf 100 km/h.

Krupp, R.

The federal minister of Transport of Western Germany asked the BASt to investigate, if an large scale experiment "100 km/h for buses on motorways"would be safe and sensible. Especially investigated should be: technical requirements, types of buses, other requirements. Further: a structural investigation of accident causes, and analysis of cost-benefit view points and a calculation of the investigation costs. Other institutes should be consulted. This booklet gives the results of the investigations and the recommendations of the BASt.

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Library number
B 22702 /72/82.2/91/

Köln, Buncesanstalt für Strassenwesen, 1976, 44 p., tab., ref.

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