Strategies to mitigate the impacts of chloride roadway deicers on the natural environment.

Fay, L. Shi, X. & Huang, J.

This synthesis documents the range of methods, tools, and techniques used by transportation agencies to minimize the environmental impact of chloride-based roadway deicers. The report presents information on preventative measures designed to reduce the amount of chloride deicers entering the natural environment adjacent to roads, as well as strategies for reducing the impacts once the deicers are in the environment. Information used in this study was acquired through a review of the literature and a survey of state departments of transportation and Canadian provincial transportation agencies. Follow-up interviews with selected agencies provided additional information. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20141324 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2013, 96 p., ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 449 / Project 20-05 (Topic 43-12) - ISSN 0547-5570 / ISBN 978-0-309-27093-9

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