A study comparing the hypnotic efficacies and residual effects on actual driving performance of Midazolam 15 mg, Triazolam 0.5 mg, Temazepam 20 mg and placebo in shiftworkers on night duty.

Riedel, W.J. Quasten, R. Hausen, C. & O'Hanlon, J.F.

The purpose of the study was to determine the hypnotic efficacy and residual effects of three hypnotics administered for the treatment of transient insomnia in the day- sleep of rotating shift workers. The average duration of day- sleep in rotating shift workers is 5 to 6 hours. Midazolam, triazolam and temazepam all possess short elimination half- lives, i., e. 2, 4 and 8 hours, respectively. This suggests that these drugs should be largely free from residual effects and therefore not impair performance in real- life tasks.

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Library number
B 31605 /83 / IRRD 841322

Maastricht, University of Limburg, Institute for Drugs, Safety and Behaviour /Instituut voor Geneesmiddelen, Veiligheid en Gedrag, 1988, 58 p., 82 ref. I.G.V.G. 88- 01.

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