Study on the effects of automation on road user behaviour and performance

Final report
Montalvo, C.; Willemsen, D.; Hoedemaeker, M.; Jansen, S.; Schieben, A.; Dodiya, J.; Wilbrink, M.; Carsten, O.; Jamson, S.; Bolchi, M.; Wion, A.; Maerivoet, S.; Ons, B.

The aim of this study is to provide strategic and practical advice to the European Commission General Directorate DG MOVE on the policy-related actions required to address disruptive digital developments, particularly the transition to automated driving and its effects on driver behaviour and performance. Automated driving brings a number of changes to the traffic system. The topics addressed include the expected evolution of automated driving, changes in human-machine interfaces (in the vehicle and in interactions with road infrastructure), traffic rules, driving licences, and the training of professional drivers. It includes also a reflection on these topics towards the development of a code of conduct for the transition to automated mobility. Based on a broad literature review and the views of experts, different issues are discussed, and a number of policy-oriented recommendations are put forward.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, Brussels

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