Suggested analyses for the Northampton origin-destination traffic survey, 1962.

Tayler, Morris A.

This Note specifies some of the tables which could be prepared with data derived from a comprehensive series of travel surveys made by the Borough Engineer and Surveyor's Department, Northampton, in September-October, 1962 with the Road Research Laboratory has been associated. It includes a brief description of the nature of the surveys and lists the information about movement derived from them in the order in which it has been entered on several sets of punched-cards. The tables specified include those required for checking the extent to which the sample survey data account for all journeys made, those describing the daily and peak-hour pattern of vehicle movement within the survey area, and others indicating the purposes for which journeys by various modes of travel are made. Also specified are tables which give the numbers of journeys attracted to various land uses and the purposes for which they are made, and the land uses and purposes which account for the usage by residents of parking space in the town centre. Finally, mention is made of further tabled which may be used to establish a basis for forecasting future travel. These will be specified in more detail in a later Note.

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Road Research Laboratory LN/529/MAT February 1964

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