Technical traffic accident investigators' handbook : a level 3 reference, training and investigation manual.

Rivers, R.W.

This revised edition of the Technical Traffic Accident Investigators' Handbook is intended to serve as a reference source for students, educators and investigators in regard to the principles and techniques involved in advanced traffic accident investigation. Many of the chapters and topics appear in the previous edition, but they are now updated to reflect current practice. There is also a new chapter that details the application of conservation of linear momentum in solving for speed from data such as skid mark measurements, pre- and post-impact directions of travel, and final vehicle positions gathered or determined using at-scene investigation procedures set out in other chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 cover an introduction to traffic accident investigation and procedures for the investigation. Chapter 3 covers vehicle behaviour, chapter 4 vehicle placement on the highway, chapter 5 coefficient of friction and drag factor, chapter 6 speed analysis, chapter 7 failure to remain at scene of accident, chapter 8 photography, chapter 9 field measurements and scale diagrams, and chapter 10 summary of technical traffic accident investigation formulae and selected derivations.

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Library number
C 19060 /80 /83 /90 / IRRD E100448

Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1997, XXI + 481 p., 64 ref.; 2nd (revised) edition - ISBN 0-398-06697-3

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