Telematics and leisure traffic. Analysis and assessment.

Dietrich, W. & Keller, P.

Telematics will be widely used not only in the world of work but also in leisure time. If statements are to be made on the effects of telematics on leisure traffic, three steps are necessary. First of all, the typical features of leisure activities are examined. Then attention is directed to the characteristics and development trends of leisure mobility and how these could change under the influence of telematics. This leads on to the effects on leisure traffic. Finally, some conclusions are drawn therefrom.

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Library number
B 30141 (In: B 30134) /72 / IRRD 831574

In: Telematics- Transportation and spatial development. Proceedings of an International Symposium organized under the auspices of the Centre for Transportation Engineering, Delft University of Technology, held in The Netherlands Congress Center, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 14- 15, 1988, p.91- 105, 7 ref.

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