Theme 2: urban mobility.

Turner, F.C. Drake, J. Guenther, K.W. Oxley, P.R. Tappert, H. Pampel, F. Carey, W.N. Vlach, J.C. Harlow, E.H. Leibbrand, H.K. Marc, R.C. Morris, S.S. & Yih-Tsang, T.S.Z.

The following papers are included in section 2: urban growth and mobility in the united states, turner,fc; motorways-an amenity asset, drake,j; dial-a-ride for new towns, guenther,kw and oxley,pr; central control of bus traffic by radio and data technology, tappert,h (original german title: zentrale betriebsfuehrung des omnibus verkehrs durch funk und datentechnik); the hamburg traffic association as an effective type of organization for the integration of local public transport services, pampel,f (original german title: der hamburger verkehrsverbund als wirkungsvolle organisationsform fuer die intergration des leistungsangebotes im oeffentlichen personennahverkehr): goods movement- in cities that are for people, carey,wn; urban mobility and the place of the car in the city, vlach,jl (original french title: mobilite urbaine et place de l'automobile dans la cite); the place of roads in providing urban mobility, harlow,eh; urban mobility in europe 1950-1970-1990, leibbrand,hk; the underground highway - can it be built economically, marc,rc (this paper is presented in an abridged form); urban freeways and the transport system, morris,ss (this paper is presented in an abridged form); urban traffic in taiwan, yih tsang tsz (this paper is presented in an abridged form); livelihood behaviour of tokyo people, nagasawa,t (this paper is presented in an abridged form); transportation in hong kong, frink,lm (this paper is presented in an abridged form); factors affecting public transport needs in brisbane, australia, mccallum,ep (this paper is presented in an abridged form). See also irrd abstract no. 206362.

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Library number
B 15338 (In: B 15637) /10 /25 /72 / IRRD 206368

In: Themes of the VI World Highway Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 4-10, 1970, unpaginated

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