A theoretical study of bus and car travel in central London. Paper presented at the 5th International Symposium on Traffic Flow Theory and Transportation, University of California, Berkeley, USA, June 16-18, 1971.

Webster, F.V. & R.H. Oldfield.

A theoretical study has been carried out to estimate the effects of varying the size of bus in the central London bus fleet and the degree of private car restraint on the overall travel costs in the area. The model used was a "single-link" model in which the central area of London was represented by the average main road of the area.


Library number
B 934 S /71/72/73/ IRRD 203155

Crowthorne, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL, 1972, 22 p., 10 graph., 3 tab, 10 ref.; TRRL Report 451.

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