Three-dimensional audio versus head-down traffic alert and collision avoidance system displays.

Begault, D.R. & Pittman, M.T.

The advantage of a head-up auditory display for situational awareness was evaluated in an experiment designed to measure and compare the acquisition time for capturing visual targets under two conditions: standard head-down Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) display and three-dimensional (3-D) audio TCAS presentation. Ten commercial airline crews were tested under full-mission simulation conditions at the NASA - Ames Crew - Vehicle Systems Research Facility Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator. Scenario software generated targets corresponding to aircraft that activated a 3-D aural advisory (the head-up auditory condition) or a standard, visual-audio TCAS advisory (map display with monaural audio alert). Results showed a significant difference in target acquisition time between the two conditions, favoring the 3-D audio TCAS condition by 500 ms.

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Library number
960896 ST [electronic version only]

International Journal of Aviation Psychology, Vol. 6 (1996), No. 1, p. 79-93, 18 ref.

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