On threshold mechanisms for achromatic and chromatic vision.

Bouman, M.A. & Walraven, P.L.

On the basis of measurements of the achromatic zone for red light in the fovea and for green light in the periphery, a discussion is given on the possible difference in threshold mechanisms for the achromatic (scotopic) and chromatic (photopic) retinal systems. A specific suggestion for this distinction is given that not directly refers to the usual rod-cone concept but is based on the occurrence of multiple coincidence of quantum absorptions by multiple hits per receptor no matter rod or cone as photopic signals, versus multiple coincidences by single hits per receptor in a distinct ommatdium type group of receptors as scotopic signals.

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Library number
B 5038 fo /01/83/

Acta Psychologica, Vol. 36 (1972), p. 178-189, graph., ref.

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