Time and weather provisions in construction contracts of state highway agencies.

Hinze, J. & Couey, J.

A thorough examination was conducted of the provisions of the construction contract documents of all state highway agencies (SHAs). The study focused on the varying practices of these agencies concerning the inclusion of time and weather provisions in their construction contracts. Results show a wide variability between the various SHAs on most topic areas examined. Although regional differences can explain some of this variability, other provisions appear to be different for no apparent or obvious purpose. A greater degree of consistency between the various state construction contracts of these agencies is advised. Contractors must also be aware of these differences so that they are fully informed about the implications of entering into agreements with SHAs.

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Library number
C 25252 (In: C 25243 S) /32 / IRRD 834576

In: Concrete and construction : new developments and management, Transportation Research Record TRR 1234, p. 57-63

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