Toepassing en beperkingen van rit-distributiemodellen bij vooruitberekeningen.

Clercq, F. le

The way trip distribution models are being applied for planning purposes is critically examined. For that purpose the roles of trip distribution models and land use allocation models are described. Some characteristics of gravity models are pointed, as to the way in which situational factors are applied and the fact that these models are in essence combinations of destination choice models and trip frequency models.

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Library number
B 7578 (In: B 7566 [electronic version only]) /71/72/ IRRD 215289

In: Praktijk en model in de vervoersplanning : Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1975: verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 20 en 21 februari 1975, p. 339-360, 13 ref.

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