Toetsing van het gehalte duurzame veiligheid met Safer Transportation Network Planning : integratie van de ‘DV-gehaltemeter’ in het ontwerpprogramma ‘Safer-TNP’

Hummel, T.

Testing the sustainable-safety contents with Safer Transportation Network Planning. In the publication entitled “Developing a sustainable-safety meter (DV-meter) for measuring the sustainable-safety contents” (Van der Kooi & Dijkstra, 2000), the development of and a pilot measurement with a so-called DV-meter was described. This instrument can be used in the various phases of design and implementation of a road network to determine the level of sustainable safety. In the pilot study it appeared that the instrument would have to be refined for a practical introduction. It was established that the GIS-application should be more user-friendly. It should be possible to test the indicators and criteria, and it was necessary to develop guidelines. In this report is described how the DV-meter can be included in a user-friendly and clear way as part of the routine of the programme Safer Transportation Network Planning (Safer-TNP). A description is given of a) how twelve functional demands could be tested, b) which input and which processing is necessary, and c) which additions to Safer-TNP are necessary to accomplish this. It was established that a DV-(contents)meter could be included into the routine with relatively few, simple adjustments.


Library number
C 20131 [electronic version only] /21 /73 /82 /

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2001, 57 p., 10 ref.; D-2001-16

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