Traffic safety facts 2001 : pedalcyclists.


This traffic safety fact sheet contains statistics on pedalcyclist fatalities and injuries in the USA in 2001 (including previous years). In 2001, 728 pedalcyclists were killed and an additional 45,000 were injured in traffic crashes. Pedalcyclist deaths accounted for 2% of all traffic fatalities, and pedalcyclists made up 1% of all the people injured in traffic crashes during the year. The number of pedalcyclist fatalities in 2001 was 14% lower than the 843 fatalities reported in 1991. Pedalcyclists accounted for 13% of all nonmotorist traffic fatalities in 2001.

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Library number
C 24778 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, National Center for Statistics & Analysis NCSA, 2002, 4 p.; DOT HS 809 477

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