Traffic technology international '94.

Robinson, T. (ed.)

This publication contains articles on various aspects of the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS). This includes: (a) traffic management systems; (b) speed or red light offence detection; (c) automatic toll or parking payment; (d) incident detection and traffic surveillance; and (e) automatic vehicle identification. Congestion modelling, automatic vehicle cruise control, and driver information are also covered. Systems for forecasting black ice, the remote sensing of automobile emissions, variable sign design, and freight administration are other topics covered. New developments in road and surface marking are included as are new advances in parking control. For abstracts of some of the papers see C 20696 - C 20752 (IRRD 866028-866085).

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Library number
C 20695 /10 /15 /60 /62 /71 /72 /73 /85 /91 / IRRD 866027

Dorking, UK & International Press, 1994, 266 p. - ISSN 1352-8548

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.