Trafik og miljoe = traffic and the environment = trafic et environnement = tráfico y ambiente. The Volvo Traffic Safety Award 1986 won by the Road Directorate, Denmark and Anders Nyvig A/S for environmentally adapted through traffic.


This short report describes the experimental project in traffic calming known as "environmentally adapted through traffic". This traffic control method is brought about by redesigning the main routes through towns in such a way as to improve pedestrian crossing facilities, increase the road space given to pedestrians and cyclists, and to give greater priority to safety in general. A variety of speed reducing, and traffic segregation methods were introduced in the towns of Skaerbaek, Vinderup, and Ugerlose, and both before and after studies carried out to ascertain their effectiveness. These included monitoring of traffic flows, speeds, road user behaviour, road user attitudes, and the effects of the measures upon the retail trade, and upon air and noise pollution levels. The first results, from Vinderup, are now available and indicate that traffic speeds are now lower (most at the recommended speed of 40 km/hr), while still maintaining the same average delay while travelling through the town (9 seconds). No injury accidents have occured since the conversion, and the vaste majority of people now find the town a safer place to live in.

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Library number
C 12729 /72 /80 / IRRD 850912

Roskilde, Vejdirektoratet Danish Road Insitute DRI, 1987, 31 p. - ISBN 87-7491-248-8

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