Training to improve the decision making of young novice drivers. Volume I: Final report.

Hodell, L. Brock, J. Hersch, R. Lonero, L.P. Clinton, K.M. & Black, D.

The Final Report is comprised of two volumes. Volume I provides information on the development and field testing of the CD-based training module. Volume II is the Literature Review and Bibliography conducted to support CD development efforts. Novice drivers are over-represented in automobile crashes and fatalities. What kind of education and training solutions might help to solve this problem? This effort attempted to answer this question, first by performing an analysis of the problem, including a literature review, focus groups, and expert panel discussions, proposing training recommendations based on analysis results, and then designing, developing, and testing a CD-based training module called Driver's Choice. Driver's Choice uses an "edutainment" format to teach decision-making on the road. It currently includes four trip scenarios in which students make driving decisions, moving their vehicle through a town map toward a given destination. Students are accompanied by animated characters who provide prompting and feedback. Students receive or lose points based on their decisions. At the end of each trip, students review their decisions and receive more formal feedback regarding each one. The program runs from a database and is completely engine driven, which provides for easy revision or addition of decision events or even full trips.

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Library number
C 38908 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E822303 (Volume 2 see C 33201)

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2000, 254 p. + app.; DOT HS 809 392 + DOT HS 809 393

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