The travel effects of park and ride.

Whitfield, S. & Cooper, B.

This paper presents a study conducted by WS Atkins Planning Consultants on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). The study was designed to provide information about the net increase or decrease in the distances travelled by car, which may result from the use of park-and-ride (PAR) services. The travel patterns and views of both users and non-users of PAR were investigated. The research also aimed to identify which PAR elements contribute to lower car use, and understand which factors influence drivers' decisions not to use PAR. Its specific objectives were to: (1) establish the travel habits and patterns of households whose members regularly or occasionally use PAR; (2) understand how PAR availability has affected modal choice, travel frequency, and when and where trips are made; (3) find factors influencing non-use of PAR; and (4) provide information on how far PAR schemes increase or decrease distances travelled by car by different user groups. The PAR sites would have to be in use all week, targeted at local residents' use, and bus-based. Eight small English cities were selected for further study. The paper describes the methodology used, and summarises various findings of the study. For example, PAR results in an overall decrease in distances driven by cars.

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In: Public transport planning and operations : proceedings of seminar F (P425) held at the 26th PTRC European Transport Forum, Loughborough University, UK, 14-18 September 1998, p. 63-74

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