Trends in the transport sector 1970-1993.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport ECMT / CEMT

This report essentially describes the situation of the transport sector in Europe in 1993 and, with the help of charts, shows the changes that have occurred since 1970. The assessment of recent trends in Europe has been based on data provided by the 29 ECMT Member countries as at 1 January 1993. The volume of traffic has been calculated in terms of passenger-kilometres and tonne-kilometres. In order to base the overall trends on as many countries as possible, the indices used for several charts include estimates of traffic where 1993 figures are not available for certain countries. A special section at the end of this leaflet gives the recent trends of transport in the 11 countries of Central and Eastern Europe which joined ECMT since 1991 and 1992. Owing to the specific characteristics of the transport systems in these countries and the radical changes these systems are currently undergoing, it was thought inadvisable to take account of these data in the aggregate figures calculated for the ECMT as a whole. Owing the the partition of Czechoslovakia to create the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic on 1 January 1993, the statistical series used for this issue of the leaflet cannot be compared with those to previous years and, in addition, a break occurs in 1991 with the reunification of Germany. Since the data for the new Laender are taken into account as from that year, the total volumes of traffic recorded for ECMT as a whole show very substantial increases, thus concealing somewhat unfavourable trends associated with the poor economic climate prevailing in Europe. Moreover, the numbers of killed and injured on the roads of ECMT Member countries also show an appreciable increase for the same reason. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 23169 [electronic version only] /10 /70 /81 /

Paris, European Conference of Ministers of Transport ECMT / CEMT, 1995, 15 p.

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