Twee botsproeven op de verankerde stalen STEP-barrier

verslag van twee botsproeven, een personenauto met 100 km/uur en 20 graden inrijhoek en een bus met 70 km/uur en 20 graden inrijhoek, op de verankerde STEP-barrier, uitgevoerd door testinstituut LIER in Frankrijk. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Pol, W.H.M. van de

An aim of collision trials on actual scale is to assess whether the developed anchored steel STEP barrier meets the `higher containment level' H2. The trials required for assessment are TB 11 and TB 51. TB 11 is a test using a light passenger car with a mass of 900 kg. TB 51 is a test using a bus with a mass of 13,000 kg. Both collision trials were conducted on the steel STEP barrier. The collision with the passenger car is stable. Hardly any rolling movement is observed. The angle of exit also remains within the accepted NEN-EN standard at 9 degrees. At a calculated value of 1.36, the Acceleration Severity Index (ASI) value for the passenger car satisfies Level B of the NEN-EN standard (ASI lower than or equal to 1.4). The collision with the bus also proceeds satisfactorily, with a small angle of exit of maximally 2 degrees. The barrier is not ruptured, nor do pieces break off. The maximal angle of roll is greatest during the `rear end' effect: about 25 degrees. It is concluded that the steel STEP barrier, with each element anchored to the road surface, meets the `higher containment level' H2. The required `working width level W' is W2 (lower than or equal to 0.8 meter). See also C 4507 (IRRD 878828).


Library number
C 6600 [electronic version only] /85 / IRRD 886387

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1996, 33 + 13 p., 14 ref.; R-96-26

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