Typische Fehlverhaltensweisen von Fahranfängern und Möglichkeiten gezielter Nachschulung. (Typical faulty behaviour patterns of beginner drivers and the possibilities of objective re-training.)

Boecher, W. Kroj, G. Pfafferott, I. Sogemeyer, H. Spoerer, E. Winkler, W. Haas, I. Reker, K. Bruns, V. Goetting, H.G. Grobe, R. Muck, D. Nickel, W.R. Brueggen, H.J. & Kunkel, E.

The starting point of this investigation was a special evaluation of official accident statistics and replies to queries. It was clearly established that the factor "youth" in conjunction with the factor "driving inexperience" and the related attitudes and patterns of behaviour are of over-riding significance in the unsuitability in traffic of younger drivers.

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Library number
B 12022 /83 / IRRD 306270

Köln, Bundesanstalt für das Strassenwesen, 1977, 342 p.; Unfall- und Sicherheitsforschung Strassenverkehr ; Heft 8 - ISSN 0341-5732

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