Über den Einfluss kleiner Alkoholmengen auf den Strassenverkehr.

Vlcek, M.J.

Analysis examining the relation between accident figures due to alcohol and the blood alcohol level tolerance was performed. A total of 55 cased brought before the court was examined. These delinquents had the average 0.19% of alcohol in blood. Nearly all of them were deprived of their driving licences for a period of 5 years.

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Library number
B 6235 (In: B 2271) /83.4/ IRRD 302296

In: Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Konferenzbericht der 5. Internationalen Konferenz über Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Freiburg, September 22-27, 1969, p. III.23-III.27, 3 graph., 1 tab., 14 ref.

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