Unsafe cycling behaviours and near crashes among Italian cyclists.

Puchades, V.M. Pietrantoni, L. Fraboni, F. De Angelis, M. & Prati, G.

This study investigates the direct and indirect effect of three types of unsafe behaviours (i.e. errors, generic violations and smartphone-specific violations) on the likelihood of near crashes and actual crashes among Italian cyclists. We considered smartphone-specific violations as a different unsafe behaviour subtype that enhances the probability of committing errors, thus increasing the likelihood of being involved in near crashes. Furthermore, we hypothesized that near crashes will predict actual crashes. Results revealed that errors predicted near crashes, whereas generic and smartphone-specific violations did not. Near crashes mediated the effect of errors on crashes. Moreover, smartphone-specific violations predicted crashes throughout its consecutive effects on errors and near crashes. These findings contribute to deepen our understanding of the relationship between cyclists’ unsafe behaviours, near crashes and actual crashes. To our knowledge, the present study is the first that links errors to near crashes among cyclists. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20200085 ST [electronic version only]

International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 25 (2018), No. 1, p. 70-77, ref.

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