The unsafe driving acts of motorists in the vicinity of large trucks.

Stuster, J.W.

This study identified the unsafe driving acts of motorists that contribute to collisions between passenger vehicles and large trucks. The project comprised several research tasks, including 1) review and analysis of statistical crash data; 2) interviews with truck drivers, collision investigators, and other experts; 3) review and analysis of collision investigation reports; and 4) a systematic rating of the unsafe driving acts by a sample of experts. More than 50 subject matter experts participated in the study. The systematic rating of the unsafe driving acts (UDAs) resulted in 23 UDAs that were recommended to be included in training materials developed for law enforcement officers. The purpose of the materials would be to sensitize the officers to the dangers associated with the UDAs. Study results also might be useful to the developers of training programs for truck drivers and novice operators of passenger vehicles. An Unsafe Driving Acts Detection Guide and a draft script for a training video intended for law enforcement officers were prepared, based on study results. In addition to recommending the development of training materials, it was recommended that a request be submitted to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances to modify the Uniform Vehicle Code and Model Traffic Ordinance to include the UDAs as violations; or to modify the Uniform Vehicle Code to assign special consideration or penalties to UDAs that already are violations, when they are committed in the vicinity of a large truck. Special consideration or penalties are warranted because of the greater possibility of serious injury or death resulting from collisions between passenger vehicles and large trucks, compared to collisions between passenger vehicles. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20030398 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Motor Carriers, 1999, 32 p., 5 ref.; DTFH61-97-C-00090

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