Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Unfallgeschehen und Wegweisung.

Meyer, F.

In various laboratory studies, simple cross shaped advance direction signs and vertical tabulation have been demonstrated as positive, quasi-geographic methods of indicating directions at junctions, whilst horizontal tabulation has proved negative. To test these results, at five locations on nine junctions with 29 access lanes. Which were classified in advance as favourable or unfavourable, accident analyses were carried out for several years. The overall picture arising from these studies shows that simple junction indicators and vertical tabulation was most suitable for the orientation of drivers, in particular for local drivers; that quasi-geographical and individual illustrations are not adequate for orientation in complex junctions and finally that lack of direction signs has a close relation with the accident rates.

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Library number
C 21051 (In: C 21042) /80 /85 / IRRD 307311

In: Informationen und Mitteilungen des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologen e.V., Sektion Verkehrspsychologie, August 1977, p. 124-126, 1 ref.

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